Just trawling through site and noticed the death of Barry Morris. Barry was always a joy to work with at Weyhill having not lost that working touch that so many of the employees lost when they achieved promotion.
Another side of him not many knew about was that he became one of my assistants during my Fireworking career, helping on many displays that we did for Pains Fireworks and Skyfires Fireworks. Barry, with Wally Taylor, was dependable, never flapping, always cool and unflustered. I have many pleasant memories of us working together at Weyhill and away from that environment.
My thought go out to his family who I met several times, but sadly lost touch with when Wehill closed.
- Steven Cole
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- Joined: Mon Dec 06, 2004 5:41 pm
- Location: Exmouth, Devon, UK
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- Steven Cole
- Site Admin
- Posts: 274
- Joined: Mon Dec 06, 2004 5:41 pm
- Location: Exmouth, Devon, UK
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Funeral Information
Posted on behalf of Lawrie Atkinson
Barry's funeral will be held at 11:45am on Thursday 1st March 2018 at Swindon Crematorium. Family flowers and wreaths only. However donations to the Salisbury hospice would be appreciated.
Any and all former work colleagues and friends are invited to attend and details of any gathering afterwards will be announced at the ceremony.
Barry's funeral will be held at 11:45am on Thursday 1st March 2018 at Swindon Crematorium. Family flowers and wreaths only. However donations to the Salisbury hospice would be appreciated.
Any and all former work colleagues and friends are invited to attend and details of any gathering afterwards will be announced at the ceremony.
- Steven Cole
- Site Admin
- Posts: 274
- Joined: Mon Dec 06, 2004 5:41 pm
- Location: Exmouth, Devon, UK
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It is with sad regret to announce the death of Barry Morris who died peacefully from pancreatic cancer during the last week of January 2018 at the Salisbury Hospice. Barry, who was based at Weyhill Maintenance Unit for many years before taking a post as CWT in HQ, leaves a wife and three daughters. It is understood his funeral will be held in Swindon, details to be announced on this page when known.