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Steven Cole
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A Celebration of Christopher Cornell’s Life (12th March 2021)

Post by Steven Cole »

Webmaster Note
My thanks to Bipin Thanki for passing on the following from Chris's family. Friends and former colleagues of Chris who would like to pay their respects are invited to watch the live webcast, details of which are given below.
Steven Cole

The Vale Crematorium, Luton 12th March, 2021 1pm
Live Webcast: Username: Jezo5336 Password: 035373

A Celebration of Christopher Cornell’s Life
12th June, 1945 to 29th January, 2021
Age 75

Entrance Music Parisian Walkways by Thin Lizzie

Celebrant Welcome Eugene Matthias

Family Tributes
A Poem for Dad – written and read by Paula

The clickety clack of your railway tracks,
The fossils and bones, we found in the stones,
The tip tip tip tap of your morse code rap,
These are the things you have taught me.
All those we loved in your family tree,
Be in no doubt the resemblance left me,
A reminder of Harriet, of Nan, you and me.
These are the traits that you gave me.

The rise of Mars amongst twinkling stars,
The trips to the zoo and being covered in poo,
The shotgun and clays, so many fun filled days,
These are the memories you have left me.
A happy life, with laughter, with love,
Beautiful memories wrapped in a hug,
The North Star will be ours until we meet again,
Forever my direction, my Dad and my friend.
I love you; I miss you and I thank you.

One Wish – A poem by unknown author - read by Louise

Dad, I wish I had some time with you,
To walk among the stars,
To hold your hand and see your face
And ask you how you are.
I’d tell you how things are going here,
And say how I miss you so,
And then there'd be that moment when I wouldn't want to let you go.
But I know that I would have too
As I'd give you a kiss and then I'd wish that heaven allowed visitors
So I could come back and see you again.
I love you Dad,
Always and forever to the moon and back.

The Life and Times of Chris by Eugene Matthias

The Lord's Prayer
Our Father, who art in heaven,
Hallowed be thy name;
Thy kingdom come;
Thy will be done;
On earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
As we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation;
But deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom,
The power and the glory,
For ever and ever, Amen.

Quiet Reflection (Photo show)
True Love by Bing Crosby and Grace Kelly
The Committal
Clare de Lune by Debussy

The Last Journey by Timothy Coote – Read by Eugene

There’s a train at the station
with a seat reserved just for me,
I'm excited about its destination
As I’m told it sets you free.
Many friends I know are waiting
Who took an earlier train,
To greet and reassure me
that nothing’s really changed.

Of trials and tribulations
The pain and stress we breathe
Don't exist where I am going
Only happiness I believe
One day you'll take your journey
On the train just like me
And I promise that I'll be there
At the station - you will see

I hope that you will be there
to wish me on my way.
It's not a journey you can take
it’s not your time today.

Closing Farewell and Exit Music Stardust by Nat King Cole

Shirley, Louise and Paula would like to thank you for attending today. Unfortunately due to COVID restrictions there will not be any wake but we hope to arrange a party to celebrate Dad’s life when restrictions are lifted. In the meantime a tribute site for Chris has been set up at:

You can upload and download photos here, leave any fond memories you wish to share and also leave any donations to Chris’s favourite charities at this site. Alternatively, if you want to give a donation cheque to Paula, she will see this posted to the charity for you. The charities are;

“Macmillan Cancer Support” who did a great deal for Dad over the last 8 years
“Zoological Society of London (ZSL)” one of Dad’s favourite weekly trips out to Whipsnade Zoo.
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Post by ChristopherClarke »

I was so sad to hear of Chris passing, he was one of the kindest people I knew, he was well respected within the Cheveley team and a stalwart within the Welwyn Garden City detachment, RIP Chris.
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Post by Bipin Thanki »

In 1979, straight from A levels in Kenya, I attended an interview at CCE Harrow and Chris very kindly helped me pass my machine shop test. He was one of the nicest people you could ever meet, a real gentleman. I will always remember his broad smile and great sense of humour. Rest in eternal Peace, Aum Shanti Shanti Shantihi.
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Steven Cole
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Post by Steven Cole »

It is with regret to announce that I have been notified by Bipin Thanki and Dave Waspe that Chris Cornell passed away peacefully on Friday 29th January 2021 at 5pm. Chris had been in hospital for a short while for a condition unrelated to his cause of death from Covid-19. His wife, Shirley and family were present until the end. Further information will be added where available.

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