No.28 - 20th November 2009

Webmaster letters previously published on DTELS.Org
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Steven Cole
Site Admin
Posts: 274
Joined: Mon Dec 06, 2004 5:41 pm
Location: Exmouth, Devon, UK

No.28 - 20th November 2009

Post by Steven Cole »

Another Year Passes
Shorter days, longer nights, here were are again with almost another year behind us and Christmas fast approaching. The web site is now into it's six year. Through your e-mails and chat it is pleasing to know that it still provides an welcome conduit with the past, as well as enabling you to keep in touch or re-establish lost friendships and being informed of forthcoming reunions.

Winter Reunion
The next reunion on the 8th December is proceeding as planned and as of today we have over 30 people attending. Online bookings can be taken until the extended date of Monday 23rd, but no later. It would be great if we could get a few more people.

This Month?s Update
My thanks go to Martin Chalker for his short video recording the end of Shapwick Depot, to Phil Archer and Joe Bell for their articles appearing in Personal Recollections and to Peter Bridgeman, Ron Suddes and Dave Waspe for their photographs.

Now and Then Section on the Web Site
I am still investigating the idea of presenting a feature entitled Now and Then that would enable ex-DTELS staff to post directly to site a precis of their time since leaving the Directorate and perhaps a photo or two showing how well they have kept their looks, or otherwise! Hopefully, more on this subject at the next update.

Please continue to check the forum for any updated and additional postings.

and finally...
As ever, material for the web site is keenly sought. Please let me have it soonest for the next update, which is Mid-December.

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