No.3 - May 15th 2005

Webmaster letters previously published on DTELS.Org
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Steven Cole
Site Admin
Posts: 274
Joined: Mon Dec 06, 2004 5:41 pm
Location: Exmouth, Devon, UK

No.3 - May 15th 2005

Post by Steven Cole »

3rd Webmaster Ramblings - May 15th 2005

Welcome to the third of my rambling letters for 2005

With a month to go before the longest day, I have decided that I really should be spending more time on outdoor projects and less time on the computer! This could have something to do with my wife making subtle comments of late like ?the garden could do with more of your time being applied in that direction then indoors on the web?!

So, to maintain domestic equilibrium, I have set myself a goal of moving the shed, building walls and fences and redesigning and constructing a new patio, all of which is likely to keep me occupied for the next few months or so.

During that time, I don?t plan to issue many updates to this site. However, please do visit the site during the summer months when you have nothing else better to do with your time, as there is a lot of material for you to read and photos to view.

Regular updates to the site will commence during October 2005 using material which I still have in my garage loft, together with a quantity of publications and photos from a number of you who have been kind enough to root through your lofts over the last few months. These will be published during the winter months, which hopefully will retain your interest in visiting this site.

From the feedback I get, it is clear that DTELS.Org continues to attract a wider audience, some of you are known to reside as far away as Tasmania and West Coast USA. Also, the word appears to be circulating amongst other ex-DTELS staff and it is always appreciated when you write to me with your comments or offers of material for the site, or indeed just to chat on old times or to update me with developments in your part of the world.

As always, I welcome your continued support and look forward to hearing from you either during my sabbatical or in October when normal service resumes.

Meanwhile, have a great summer and I do hope you have a fun time.

Kind Regards,
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