No.14 - 29th May 2007

Webmaster letters previously published on DTELS.Org
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Steven Cole
Site Admin
Posts: 274
Joined: Mon Dec 06, 2004 5:41 pm
Location: Exmouth, Devon, UK

No.14 - 29th May 2007

Post by Steven Cole »

Welcome to the fourth of my Ramblings for 2007

DTELS 2007 Reunion 4th December 2007 (added 01/08/07)
Many of you will be pleased to know that Bob Siu is again organising another annual reunion. For more details about this event and to complete the online booking form if you wish to attend.

Latest Update before November!
I would like to thank Bryn Oliver, John Leary, Stephen Scanlon, Brian Walters and Peter Bridgeman for contributing to this months update. As for previous years, I now plan to concentrate on other activities during the summer months. Accordingly, there will be no more monthly updates until early November 2007.

News Item Updates
If you have any items you wish me to post on the forum between now and November, or events, such as reunions, please contact me by email with the details and I will update the site accordingly.

More Material!
Please continue to let me have any material for the site.

I would particularly welcome articles, such as personal recollections, since I feel this would help illustrate to a wider audience about life in the organisation that would otherwise have gone undocumented.

With this in mind, I would be grateful if you could spare some time during the summer months to capture your thoughts in the form of an e-mail and send them to me by the end of October.

and finally...
Thank you for visiting the site. I am really pleased to learn that it gives enjoyment to many of you, as well as continuing to attract new visitors. Please spread the word!

So, until my next ramblings in November, I wish you a successful and enjoyable time as we move into the summer months.


15th April 2007
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