No.23 - 19th December 2008

Webmaster letters previously published on DTELS.Org
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Steven Cole
Site Admin
Posts: 274
Joined: Mon Dec 06, 2004 5:41 pm
Location: Exmouth, Devon, UK

No.23 - 19th December 2008

Post by Steven Cole »

Hello and welcome to the site

Not being a regular visitor to London, my good lady and I decided to spend a couple of nights in the city ahead of the DTELS Reunion and take the opportunity to visit one of the many fine museums and wander around areas such as Covent Garden. Not being hugely interested in venturing into craft shops and the like, one of the benefits of standing outside whilst the wife browses, as women do, is to observe and take in the ambience of the city, with it?s bright lights, street buskers and people promenading. Although distinctly more vibrant than my nearest towns of Andover and Salisbury, particularly in the bars and restaurants, there was less of a festive feel to the city, in particular decorations and trees that help create a seasonal presence than I recall from past visits. Maybe it was just my perception, or perhaps a reflection of the changing and belt tightening times we now live in....

DTELS Reunion
Like others attending this years reunion, Lynn and I enjoyed the opportunity to chat again with reunion regulars and for me to meet a number of people who I had not seen for 15 years or more. I do hope that more of you will take the opportunity to visit London next year for the next reunion, especially as the organiser, Bob Siu is promoting the idea of a summer reunion. More on this subject next month.

December Update
My thanks this month go to Clive Wankling for sending in a digitised copy of a recruitment video from circa mid-80s. It can be found appended to Publication (Careers). Also, to Paul Corkrum for drawing my attention to the short report at rttonline by John Davies looking back at early radio at Lancs Police. The 2008 reunion photos include the one seen opposite with Lawrie Atkinson and Brian Geenaway holding a well preserved Home Office issue tool bag. As far as I am aware, these were standard issue to field technicians during the 70?s and 80?s and a necessity in order to accommodate the large and comprehensive tool kit.

World War II
Mike Phillips has unearthed an original copy of a report published in 1963 by Sir Arthur L. Dixon, CB, CBE. Although too big to copy in it?s entirety, providing I can dismantle the lid on my flat-bed scanner, I plan to publish relevant extracts during one of the monthly updates in Q1/2009. The document provides an insight to the emergency work of the police forces during the second world war relating to police wireless which led to the formation of the Directorate.

and finally...
With less than a week to go, it remains for me to wish you Happy Christmas a Healthy and Successful 2009. Please continue to e-mail or contact me by telephone during the coming months and do keep spreading the word about the existence of DTELS.Org so that more of our former colleagues can enjoy the memories held on this site.

Until my next update in Mid-January.

Steven ....
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