I am trying to trace / contact an ex DTELs Staff Member; 'Mr M. Wilson'.
I am not sure what Mr Wilson's full name is, he is likely to have been in the Scottish Office?
Why? (you might ask); I am involved in researching a number of 'Cold War' sites in the UK (some of you will have met me or already know of me) and I now have a number of artefacts that originate from ROC/UKWMO, SRHQ/RGHQ and AFHQ Message Exchange Switches (MSX); namely VDUs and Teleprinters c.1984-91.
Many of these have stickers affixed to them stating: 'Checked August 1993, Mr M. Wilson DTELs'. I wish to contact Mr Wilson regarding these artefacts. Hence my posting here.
Whilst I am asking, I would also like to contact ANY DTELs staff who have any experience of working in any ROC, UKWMO, RGHQ (RSG, SRC or SRHQ et-al) or AFHQ in any capacity at all. I research and work at many old sites ('holes') so am keen to gather details on many areas. For example I am currently involved at the Dover RSG/SRC/SRHQ c.1960-1984.
I already know Alan Wood, Bob Peel (got all of your training notes now

I need to contact Mr M. Wilson regarding Scottish sites and mainly about MSX. This is rather important. I just hope someone out there can help.
Kind regards