David Bellsham

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Re: David Bellsham

Post by Lytham2 »

Hello Dave

Nice to see you on here!
Hope you're well, not in the best of health myself,but we plod on!

I left Penrith OutStation in 1990, can't remember if you had left Penrith at that time, but looking back you must have! (Dave Horne was OIC when I left)

Left Penrith on promotion in late '77, spent about a year at Kippax NAMU, came back to Penrith in about '80/81, DH was in charge then . . . . . . we only came back home due to wife's ill health.

Rod Riddick left at the same time as me . . . I used to bump into the odd one or two old pals from work,but I aint seen anybody for years now.

Spent about 18/20 years as a taxi owner/driver, packed up in 2010 due to ill health, I'd lost my taxi badge due to the health problems . . . . decided not to reapply for it when I got better . . less than a year before my 65th!

Hope you are in good health

Best Wishes

John Borradaile
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Re: David Bellsham

Post by David Rumens »

Hello David, last time I saw you was in late 1967 at your leaving do at the Peacock Pub near Cranbrook town. You were transferring to the IOW outstation. I was one of the WT's at Cranbrook. Glad you hear you on the DTELS web site.
Regards, Dave
Last edited by David Rumens on Wed Feb 14, 2018 6:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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David Bellsham

Post by Steven Cole »

Posted on behalf of David Bellsham

I was a technician at Dtels for 22yrs. I started in the 60's at Cranbrook in Kent for two or three years and was posted to Isle of Wight to service radio and CCTV ( because of the train Robbers being in a special block at Parkhurst). I looked after Portsmouth Police and Fire radios for a while travelling over from the Island each week for two days. This finished once the work load increased. I was promoted there to SWT and had another technician Michael Whitamore along with mechanic Leonard Hole. I enjoyed the work and it was not a 9 to 5 I could be called out at any time to sort out any problem.

The radios were Cossor 144 for the cars and 108 for the bikes later Pye Westminster for the cars and bikes with avel aerial bases these were always a problem with the vibration.The cameras were Pye Lynx and they used videcon tubes which needed constant beam and focus adjustment so it was a regular trip to set each camera up. Later cameras were installed at Albany these had solid state sensors. After 12 yrs there I applied for a post at Penrith Cumbria as SWT and was there for 10 yrs. Then left to start my own business in telecoms and electrical.

Best Wishes
David Bellsham
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