Crikey Cliff, long time no hear, how are you. You may rememer me from the old E&D days at CCE when I was in the UHF Lab. If you want a particularly horrible early picture of me see this link on this site Intercom Journal March 1973 Page 6
I have been trying to trace Jim Luxton, John Stokes and Peter Wakefield. Jim Luxton's amateur radio callsign has lapsed (but no particular surprise there). His wife was, I believe, French and he may have returned over there. I last saw him about 1988 at his retirement do at CCE and I think he still lived not far from me in Harrow then.
Alan Copperwaite
Jim Luxton
Jim Luxton
Cliff Wilson would like to know if anybody knows the whereabouts of Jim Luxton who very involved in "royality protection" whilst at Harrow and Rochester Row