Welcome Message

Introduction and brief terms relating to forum usage
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Steven Cole
Site Admin
Posts: 274
Joined: Mon Dec 06, 2004 5:41 pm
Location: Exmouth, Devon, UK

Welcome Message

Post by Steven Cole »


This forum has been provided as a service to enable former DTELS employees to:

a) raise topics of conversation which stimulate ideas and material towards the development of this web site.

b) keep in touch or re-establish communication with past colleagues and friends.

The forum is also open to past and present public safety personnel, equipment suppliers and others who conducted business with the Directorate and possess information of interest, which they could share in the development of this site.

Forum Operation
To view forum posts, simply click on the View Postings button, which brings up the DTELS Forum Index page displaying the current range of topics. Choose the appropriate topic of interest by clicking on the relevant bold text.

To submit a forum posting, you first need to register. To do this, please visit feedback page and complete the simple on-line form as per the instructions.

The Webmaster will send a confirmation email and login details to the requester as soon as possible. Upon initial activation the user should change the password to their preferred choice and enter any supplementary information they so wish in the user profile. In order to avoid unwanted spam, users are strongly advised not to select the 'display my e-mail address' option.

Please note that you will not be able to log-in to the forum until the account has been activated by the Webmaster and login details sent to the requester

Thereafter, access to the forum is via the Log-In button, which in turn brings up the Log-In page that requires you to enter your Username and Password.

On successful authentication, each topic can be viewed and you have the option to either create a new topic, or reply to an existing topic. Users also have the option to delete their own entries but not those submitted by others.

Forum Posting Queries
If you do have a topic or point of view which you wish to express on the forum but are not really sure about suitability, then e-mail Forum.Query. Replies will be made as soon as practicable.

Forum Enhancements
Currently, there are no user groups set-up (ie: individual depots or outstations). If there is a call for such a service, please submit a request to Forum Enhancements.

As usual, please let me know if there are any enhancements or issues that you may have in respect of this forum's operation.

Forum Software
The forum was updated in December 2011 to Version 3 pHpBB, which is a high powered, fully scalable, and highly customisable Open Source bulletin board package.

Privacy and Usage Statement
To ensure that http://www.dtels.org remains an authoritative web site devoted to the history of the Directorate, users of this forum are requested to abide by common sense and decency standards when posting comments. This site will not condone text which is considered offensive, inappropriate or likely to contravene the Official Secrets Act. Users who post such comments will be banned from the forum.

If you feel you cannot abide by these reasonable conditions of use, please DO NOT register in the first place.

Steven R. Cole (Webmaster)