No.5 - 20th December 2005

Webmaster letters previously published on DTELS.Org
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Steven Cole
Site Admin
Posts: 274
Joined: Mon Dec 06, 2004 5:41 pm
Location: Exmouth, Devon, UK

No.5 - 20th December 2005

Post by Steven Cole »

5th Webmaster Ramblings - 20th December 2005

Welcome to the fifth and last of my rambling letters for 2005

Well here we are again, Christmas is almost upon us and time to reflect on the passing of another year. Perhaps over a drink or two, it will offer the opportunity to look back at what you have achieved during the year and to plan ahead for 2006.

In respect of this web site, in looking back over the year I am reminded that some of our colleagues are no longer with us and for their families this may be a difficult first Christmas without their loved ones. I remain encouraged that many of you find this web site interesting and are supportive, both in terms of continued visits, as well as providing material which is essential to maintaining interest as well as recording the organisations history.

I still have a lot of material to publish over the coming months, so please keep it coming, I will publish it as soon as possible.

Well that's about it from me until the first rambling of 2006, so it remains for me to wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Kind Regards,
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