New Contact e-Mail Addresses

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Steven Cole
Site Admin
Posts: 274
Joined: Mon Dec 06, 2004 5:41 pm
Location: Exmouth, Devon, UK

New Contact e-Mail Addresses

Post by Steven Cole »

Due to a high level of unwanted SPAM to the e-mail addresses given throughout this site, it has been necessary to change them with effect from today, Friday 6th October 2006.

Until I can put in place alternative arrangements, hopefully when the new look website goes live on Monday 15th November 2006, the only email address that will be accepted by my server is given as follows:

IMPORTANT NOTE: replace AT with @

Thank you for your understanding.



Unfortunately, we now live in an electronic age ruled by global advertising using spambots and people with nothing better to do in life than clutter up the e-mail network with junk mail in the hope that we may be stupid enough to want to buy their products!
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